Online Scholarship Application

Holt V. Spicer Debate Forum

Debate Scholarship Application

We assume anyone applying is a high school senior applying for next fall - if you are applying early, please state your graduation year!

Applications are due by April 1, but we encourage applicants to apply earlier to receive first consideration. We typically make offers before May. If you have questions about the scholarship form or just wish to reach out, then please email either Dr. Eric Morris or Dr. Nathan Rothenbaum

If you haven't been assigned one yet, just leave it blank.
Street, City, State, Zip
Something you can access after graduation is better than a high school email, if possible.
One or many, your choice
Only for emergencies!
Name of High School, State (if outside Missouri) - coach name & more optional.
Formats you've done
College Formats that interest you
This box is optional, but in it you are encouraged to include any information that you think might help us decide about your scholarship. These might include reasons why you are interested in our program, links to videos of you debating, sample research files you have produced, etc. After you have filled out and completed this forum, if you think of something you forgot to submit then please email